Sam's Sushi in Ballard has a vegetarian sushi option that strays from the standard avocado, radish, tofu, carrot type: The Green Leaf Maki, which includes asparagus, avocado, cream cheese and shiso leaf. Much as I enjoy more typical veggie rolls, it was exciting to try something different and variety is a sweet gift for a vegetarian at a sushi restaurant.

Sam's didn't seem to have a tofu roll, so I ordered agedashi tofu for a little protein. I specified that I wanted it without bonito, and they were happily able to prepare the meal vegan. Woohoo!

The gently fried tofu with the smoky delicious dipping sauce came with a couple of exciting bonuses: a little pile of finely shredded radish, and a large piece of fully battered and fried broccoli. Yum.
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